Friday, November 29, 2019

Ironies In The Story Of An Hour Essays - The Story Of An Hour, Irony

Ironies In The Story Of An Hour Kate Chopin employs the tool of irony in The Story of an Hour to illustrate the problem relative to marital relationships in which one individual imposes his private will upon the other. She presents, through the story of Mrs. Mallard, an issue not socially accepted at the end of the 19th century. This is the story of Mrs. Mallard, a woman with a heart condition who finds out her husband has died in a train accident. She reacts with sadness at first, but after seeking solitude, realizes that she is free. She is ready to begin her new life when her husband, who was not involved in the train accident, comes home alive. The woman dies from heart failure on the spot. The purpose of irony in Kate Chopin's The Story of an Hour is to convey a message without saying it explicitly. In the context that the story was written, at the end of the 19th century, woman were often not allowed many rights. Their role in society was trifling compared to what men had. Chopin, a feminist ahead of her time, uses irony in this particular story to show the unequal role women had in relationships in the late 1800's. Mrs. Mallard's discovery of her long lost freedom and desire to live for herself only comes after her husband's death. The ironic tone in the story is employed by Chopin to present a socially unaccepted concept in a more acceptable format. In The Story of an Hour, Chopin makes use of different types of irony. The first type of irony encountered is situational irony, where there is a contrast between what is expected to happen in a particular situation and what actually happens. After grieving with wild abandonment the death of her husband, Mrs. Mallard seeks solitude in her room. Now the reader starts to see the world through her eyes, a world full of new and pure life. As she looks out of the window, she sees spring and all the new life it brings. The descriptions used now are far away from death. Mrs. Mallard stares out the open window at the new spring life. As for the weather, instead of being gloomy and dark to symbolize death, she sees patches of blue sky showing here and there through the clouds. She also mentions that birds are singing and there is a delicious breath of rain in the air, all images not usually associated with death. She is expected to mourn her husband's death, but in contrast, she is thinking a bout new life. At the end of the story, Chopin uses dramatic irony, where there is a contrast between what the audience knows and what the characters think is happening. When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease - of joy that kills. The other characters are still unsuspecting of her actual joy in death. They believe her joy corresponds with the love she had for her husband. In contrast, the reader knows that the love she had for her husband pales in comparison to the joy she feels upon the discovery of her newfound freedom. Mrs. Mallard begins to fantasize about living her life for herself. Free, free, free! are the words Mrs. Mallard whispers in her room. Coming from a woman who just lost her husband, one can wonder how was their relationship. However, Mrs. Mallard clarifies that their relationship is one of love. Brently Mallard had never looked save with love upon her. And likewise, she knew that she would weep again when she saw the kind, tender hands folded in death. However, love does not seem to be the problem here. Regardless of the love she has for her husband Brently Mallard, the problem she sees is the unequal relationship in which one individual exercises their powerful will on the other. Even though at times she had loved him, she is now regaining her freedom. Another sign that informs the reader of her new liberation is the revelation of her first name. Her name is Louise, she is no longer Mrs. Mallard, she is Louise, she has her own identity because she is free. It is ironic

Monday, November 25, 2019

adolecent behavior in the school environment essays

adolecent behavior in the school environment essays George Fischer Middle School is a large school and has students attending from six Putnam County towns and two Dutchess County towns. On the average, the graduating class has close to 500 students and the typical class has 32 students attending. The school has two cafeterias in order to accommodate it's large student population, one cafeteria to provide for fifth and sixth graders, and another for seventh and eighth graders. Interesting enough, the different classes do not attend lunch together, in other words, seventh and eighth graders do not attend lunch together nor fifth and sixth graders. Again I assume this is strictly do to the large population of this school. I entered the school at the start of the day, I considered this to be to my advantage, therefor not standing out so much among the huddles of people gathered outside the school building. It can be said that the students appearances varied somewhat, but a whole it remained within a certain unspoken code. The girls wore their hair long-shoulder length or longer, and had it tied back in a pony-tail or very straight. Some were in skirts (slightly above knee level)-all were either corduroy or floral material. Most of the girls though were in jeans and hip length sweaters and wore tennis-sneakers or the "clunky" type shoes which are all the fashion now. All the girls I saw wore earrings, mostly the small dangling type and often they had two holes pierced. Most of the girls wore make-up, mostly lipstick and eye-shadow, although it was not excessive. The boys all seemed to be in clothes that were least five sizes too big. It consisted primarily of one of these two clothing options: extra-large sweater overlapping a thermal-type shirt, with jeans that were just short of slipping to the ground or extra-large flannel overlapping a thermal-type shirt, with jeans that were just short of slipping to the ground. A close second to this dressing trend for boys...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Employment Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Employment Law - Case Study Example Starting with the application of the contract law, it is apparent that the employment of Jami Jensen was done in contravention of the laid down employment contract laws, where the employer is supposed to grant the employee a written contract of engagement, the moment the employee is hired by the employer. In Jami Jensen’s case, she was hired but a written contract was not offered by the employer. This situation makes her case complex, considering that it becomes difficult to establish the basis of her engagement with the employer, and the terms and conditions of the engagement, especially regarding the issues of salary increment, promotion and demotion. As a result of lack of a written contract of engagement, the organization just demotes Jami Jensen arbitrarily and reduces her salary from $80,000 to $40,000, while she is also relinquished of her position, and demoted to that of a supervisor. Another issue that arises in the Jami Jensen’s case, which falls under the contract law, is the issue of leave. Considering that she was not granted a written contract of engagement with the employer, Jami Jensen is not aware of the terms and conditions that are applicable in requesting for a leave, which should be clearly and precisely stipulated in the written contract of engagement. Thus, when she seeks for leave, she is told she has to offer a two week request in advance, and she does not have a basis of disputing the same, since she does not have a written contract to that effect. Sexual harassment law is applicable in this case, since Jami Jensen has been discriminated against, in matters pertaining to employee benefits such as leave, due to the fact that she has refused to yield to the sexual advances made to her by Mr. Clark, who is the vice president of the company. However, for the law of sexual harassment to apply, there are certain thresholds that must be met, which

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Cost Accounting Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Cost Accounting - Case Study Example The charging of the contracts by the company employees is supposed to account for the two types of contracts; fixed-price and cost type contracts. In this case, the contract charging by Jumbo Corporation employees, and the subsequent decision and activities undertaken by Frank and Harold pinpoint to fraudulent activities. This is because the contracts are charged inappropriately by having fixed-price contracts charged to cost type contracts. Even though the company’s accounting system released unidentified contracts in terms of their relative types, the corporation has a foreman in place to direct contract charging for both GO-1 and GO-2. The responsible parties are not executing their relevant duties, and thus the outcome of the contract charging can be termed to be fraud (Vona 157). Frank is guilty based on the unfolding events regarding contract charging in Jumbo Corporation. He is supposed to direct employees on which GO to charge their time. The role played by Frank shows that the corporation’s accounting system was not to blame for the failure to identify GO as to contract type. This failure was supposed to be corrected by Frank by being there to provide directions to the shop employees during contract charging. Instead of doing this, Frank feels that the system is working out for him. In other words, the current contract charging saves him trouble with the management. This is because the company reviews meet what Frank is supposed to achieve on a monthly basis. Although he is aware of the mistake being committed, he stays silent to have the process work out for him even further. This makes him engage in fraud in the sense that he conceals it. Harold is as well guilty of fraud. He noticed the pattern that the charging activities were taking and was pleased by that instead of taking relevant actions to correct the situation. The VP noted that the shop employees charged some fixed-price contracts to cost type contracts.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Theology of Redemption and the Christian Liberty Thesis Proposal

Theology of Redemption and the Christian Liberty - Thesis Proposal Example The paper tells that in the course of the storey of humanity, persons, regardless of time and place, have been plagued by three important concerns. The first concern is ‘where did I come from?’ while the second question is ‘what is happening now?’ and finally the third concern is ‘what will happen to me in the future?. In effect, in this continuum of questions, uncertainty marks each query. As such, humanity’s quest for answers to these issues, often gnat at their being, because most wants to remove the dread and anguish towards the unknown future as they have trekked the masked past and the uncertain present. In this regard, all types of religion try to assuage the trepidation and angst of the future by unveiling the future, â€Å"practically all religions have developed a way of looking into the future†. This knowledge they impart in order to help humanity take the path that will help them avoid grief and uncertainty. In this context, C hristianity bears witness to the truism that â€Å"God has spoken in the past to our ancestors through the prophets, in many different ways, although never completely; but in our times he has spoken definitively to us through his Son†. Through the Son, Christianity affirms the key truth of faith â€Å"Yes, God so love the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in him may not be lost but may have eternal life†. In light of this, the research will be dealing with one of the most important aspect of Christian faith – Redemption in connection with Christian liberty. Background of the Study The contemporary period is marked by radical changes that continuously transform not only society, but also the way humanity perceived life, meaning, relationship and human nature (Ortega-Villasenor, 2004). The continued deconstruction of traditional values, norms, interpretations, meanings and beliefs should empower humanity to be freed from the limits of the insti tutions and structures permeating the world of man (Johnson 12). Some of these radical changes include globalization, rapid developments and advancements in science and technology and the increasing challenge of global environmental challenge. Globalization is the breaking of the barriers in trade among nations, paving for a freer movements of goods, services, people, capital and even values, traditions and way of life (Coatsworth 38). This is dynamic in view of the fact that it does not only affect the economic life and structures of the global society, but its influence pervades almost all facets of human encounters in the modern period, thus, making globalization one of the most powerful vector of change in the modern period (Suarez-Orozco and Qin-Hilliard 25). In the same manner, rapid advancements and developments in science and technology re-structure the arena where people encounter, interact and undertake actions. In this regard, the contemporary human condition is character ised by the interconnection and continued interrelation between the human-social dimension and information- computer technological advancements. Thus, existing socio-technological systems are the venue for â€Å"the interaction between society’s complex infrastructures and human behaviour. Within this concept, society itself and most of its substructures are complex socio-technical systems† (Stranks, 100). Meanwhile, biomedical innovations have created the condition wherein extension of human life span has been achieved as medicine has become capable of curing and preventing number of diseases (Ehni and Marckmann 985). This has created the attribute known as super-mediatic world. This means that the world is right on the tip of our fingers. One push of buttons, things are done, connections are made and communications are relayed. Finally, the environmental concerns that plague the period refer not only to the depletion of earth’s natural resources and the piling up of by-products or

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Reason For Aseptic Technique Is To Maintain Asepsis Nursing Essay

Reason For Aseptic Technique Is To Maintain Asepsis Nursing Essay Reflection 2 Aseptic Non-Touch Technique This reflective piece will be about a procedure that took place whilst on placement and will look at infection control whilst doing an aseptic non-touch technique (ANTT). Using Atkins and Murphys 1993 model of reflection (Rolfe, G et al 2001). I have used this model as it helped me become aware of my actual thoughts and feelings regarding the situation, and more focused when analyzing it. Description I visited a lady who had bilateral leg wounds that needed to be dressed daily, the leg dressings that had been put on the day before were heavily exudated, the lady who I am going to call Jane to protect her identity as per NMC 2004 was adamant that she had kept her legs raised. The nurse that I was working with said that she would dress the legs this time and when I visited again I would do the dressings. The nurse opened the sterile packaging of gloves and placed it on the floor, this was to be her sterile field. The dressings and bandages that she required were opened and placed onto the sterile field and the nurse placed an apron over her uniform. The sterile gloves were put on and she proceeded to remove the dressings that were on Janes legs, once the dressing had been removed these were placed into the waste bag. The nurse then proceeded to assess the wound and then redress it without changing her gloves, by not changing her gloves which were originally sterile these will now have become contaminated by handling the soiled dressing and would contaminate the new dressings and the wound. Stage One Whilst watching the nurse change the dressing this made me question what I had been taught in University about ANTT. The procedure that we were taught in university is from The Royal Marsden 2008. This made me feel uncomfortable and question that the patient would be at risk from healthcare associated infections (HCAI). Stage Two The reason for aseptic technique is to maintain asepsis and helps to protect the patient from HCAI it also protects the nurse from any of the patients body fluids and toxic substances (Department of Health (DOH) 2005). Elderly people are more at risk of infection which is caused by organisms that invade the immunological defence mechanisms as there immune systems are less efficient ( Calandra 2000) ANTT is used to ensure that when a healthcare professional handles sterile equipment only the part of the equipment that will not contact the wound is handled (Preston 2005). When doing the ANTT procedure this involves ensuring that consent has been gained from the patient and they are aware of what the procedure will be, the environment and the equipment is prepared, hand-washing takes place, personal protective equipment is used and a sterile field is maintained. In a Primary Care setting one of the biggest problems is infection that enters the body through a tear in the skin, this may b e through a leg ulcer. A small number of microbes are sufficient enough for an infection to be caused, this may then be difficult to treat with antibiotics and what may have been a trivial problem may end up becoming a significant problem (DOH 2007). Nurses should assess the risk of transmission of infections from one person to another and plan their nursing care accordingly before they commence any form of action (Chalmers Straub 2006). Hand washing prior to ANTT has been found to be the most important procedure for preventing infections, hands can be the biggest route of transmission of infection if not washed correctly (Akyol et al 2006). There have been recent studies that show that hand washing is rarely carried out in a satisfactory manner and 89% of staff misses some part of their hand surface during hand washing (Mcardle et al 2006). Handwashing should be done prior any procedure, this can be achieved by three different methods:- Soap and water this is effective in removing physical dirt or any soiling and micro-organisms liquid soap is more efficient than a soap bar (Ehrenkrantz, 1992). Anti-microbial detergent which is effective in removing physical dirt and is more effective than soap in removing micro-organisms (Ehrenkrantz, 1992). Alcohol based hand rubs, these are not as effective as the above in removing dirt or soil but are more effective in destroying transient bacteria (Storr, J, Clayton-Kent, S, 2004). An aseptic procedure should be done in a clean environment and any equipment used should be sterile and disposable or decontaminated after each use and the nurse should ensure that the equipment is free from dust and any other soilage (DOH 2003). Whilst the nurse does ANTT procedure it is essential that her hands, even though they have been washed, do not contaminate the sterile field or the patient, this is achieved by the nurse using sterile gloves she needs to be aware however that gloves can be damaged during use and may no longer be sterile (Kelsall et al 2006). The aim of wearing sterile gloves is to reduce the risk of cross-infection from nursing staff to patients and to also reduce the transient contamination of the hands by micro-organisms from one patient to another (infection control Nurses Association (ICNA) 2002). The ICNA recommend that before a patient is treated a comprehensive risk assessment is taken to determine the most appropriate glove type for the task to be undertaken. Its been suggested that sterile gloves are only necessary if the nurses hands come into contact with the patients sterile body area, they argue that non-sterile gloves provide adequate infection control if hands decontamination has been done effectively (Hollinworth and Kingston 1998). Factors that need to be considered when making the choice between aseptic or clean technique for wound care is the setting where the dressing is to be done, the immune status of the patient, this is influenced by age, medication, type of wound, location and depth of wound and the invasiveness of the procedure (APIC 2001). Hartley (2005) reports that aseptic technique is not being carried out to a high standard and this could be related to the theory-practice gap or complacency in the professional field. Improving the skill based care needs to be the main focus on post -registration education this includes which gloves to choose, maintaining a sterile field with the risk of non-touch technique and also developing assessment protocols (Preston 2005). Stage 3 During my time on placement I cleaned and redressed a lot of wounds and I ensured that I used the Aseptic non touch Technique that was taught to me whilst at University. I ensured that I gained the consent of the patient prior to any procedure taking place and also maintained the clients privacy and dignity whilst carrying out the procedure. Whilst being on placement I have learnt that staff change the dressing on wounds using the aseptic non-touch technique differently to how I was taught in university but when questioning them why they do something a certain way they have a rationale for it. I will continue to clean and redress wound in the way I have been taught and believe that this is the way forward in fighting wound infections.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Proposing Taxation of Products to Preserve Wildlife and the Environment

Proposing Taxation of Products to Preserve Wildlife and the Environment â€Å"Only after the last tree has been cut down,   Ã‚   Only after the last river has been poisoned,   Ã‚   Only after the last fish has been caught,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Only then will you realize that money cannot be eaten.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ---The Cree People    Wildlife is declining more rapidly each day with innumerable species already on the endangered species list and hundreds more waiting to be put on. Although great efforts are being made by organizations and individuals to save these endangered animals there are still many things needed to be done. We need to install a tax on all products directly related to the environment, backpacks, hiking gear, fishing tackle, etc., the money gathered by this tax would fund conservation efforts around the country. With this effort and new tax regulation we may be able to reverse the damages we have done to the environment and to all wildlife. Background Information    Although many things need to change pertaining to our outlook on conservation of wildlife there are organizations out there already raising money and dedicating their lives to save the wildlife we have left. The most popular organization is known universal for its panda logo. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is dedicated to protecting the world’s wildlife and wild lands (World Wildlife Fund, 1). It is undoubtedly the largest privately supported conservation organization in the world. It has one million members in the United States alone. The World Wildlife Fund has been a leader in protecting and supporting our nations’ ecosystem for more than 36 years. This organization does a lot in protecting our wildlife and also does a lot of fundraising eve... ...olves.† Associated Press. 17 November 1998. (24 November 1998). â€Å"Don’t be Fooled.† Anarchy for Anybody. 3 November 1998. (3 November 1998). â€Å"The Environmental Movement: What Shall we do with it?† Agriculture and Natural Resource Development. 29 October 1998. (29 October 1998). â€Å"Federal Duck Stamp Home Page.† U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 17 November 1998.   (17 November 1998). Harrison, W. (1970). Wildlife: Riches of the Earth. New York: Julian Messner. â€Å"Introduction.† Greenpeace. 17 September 1998. (17 September 1998). â€Å"What We Do.† World Wildlife Fund. 17 September 1998.   (17 September 1998).      

Monday, November 11, 2019

McCarthyism and Its Effect on the Cold War

The Cold War is categorized by intercontinental associations during the time of Europe’s innovations. The long lasting effects and extensive lasting supporters still hold strong for Europe. The Cold War came about by public speculations and pressures in Europe at the close of World War II and by collective control quarrels amid the Soviet Union. Financial parting among the Soviets and the west also amplified pressures, along with the risk of nuclear war. The Soviet Union’s main conflict was the enormous philosophical differences with the west. The Soviet’s exploited on communism and believed capitalism to be corrupt and a menace to the working class. The soviets rejected collaboration among themselves and industrialist countries ideologically. A wide-ranging amount of differences in the beliefs helped widen the gap between the West and the Soviets. The Soviets having control over Eastern Europe is also another cause of the Cold War. This alerted the United States with the growth of communism in European countries. The United States set up the Marshall Plan.Could Cold War Have Been Avoided? The Marshall Plan was a cost-effective sustenance package funded by the United States. The relief money was spread throughout the war torn democratic countries to help rebuild their economy. However, no money went to the Soviet Union or any of their allies. Then out of nowhere someone made an accusation and brought about McCarthyism. McCarthyism is the invention of the anti-communist politics that arose around the early Cold War years. The Cold War renovated American politics in a way that exposed communism as a central part of political life. McCarthyism was believed to be an absurd reaction to the rise of the secular state and the total association was resentments produced by status concern. Senator Joseph McCarthy’s action brought forth McCarthyism and the notion of Anti-Communism. This paper will deliberate the difference among McCarthyism and Anti-Communism and how the media made it public business. Further issues debated will be that of the take on American foreign policy resolutions and the impact created by anti-communism and how it altered Americans’ lives associated with the Red Scare. The Cold War was a historical affair that offered tension and stern conflicts throughout the World. The key funders in the Cold War occurred between the United States and its supporters, disputed by Russia and the countries allied with that country. The Democrats and Republicans fought among each other to validate who opposed communism the greatest which produce anti-communism during the late 1940s and early 1950s. McCarthyism originated from the actions of U. S. Senator Joseph McCarthy and lasted around 10 years. Senator McCarthy accused many Americans of being communists or communist supporters who were unfaithful to their country due to their political beliefs. His actions combined with the communist growth and the Korean War conveyed on fears that led to a new Red Scare. McCarthy played on the uncertainties of the people to obtain a higher political standing within the United States Senate. The Democrats and Republicans fought amongst each other to prove who opposed communism the most which produce anti-communism during the late 1940s and early 1950s. McCarthyism originated from the actions of U. S. Senator Joseph McCarthy and lasted around 10 years. Senator McCarthy accused many Americans of being communists or communist sympathizers who were disloyal to their country because of their political beliefs. His actions combined with the communist expansion and Korean War brought on fears that led to a new Red Scare. McCarthy played on the fears of the people to obtain a higher political standing within the United States Senate. During the early 50’s the senator made a name for himself, but one could say was it the best name. Senator McCarthy exposed all types of people; he accused government workers, playwrights, actors and Jews along with anyone else he assumed people would believe were communist. This witch hunt made life for many who were not communist almost impossible to endure. The Government and Hollywood were hunted and ran out of town first. Many actresses, actors, and playwrights moved to Europe and Mexico to elude the accusations and possible jail sentences. Some of the most popular actresses and actors of these times Humphrey Bogat, Lauren Bacall, and Danny Kaye organized a group called the Committee for the First Amendment. This group organized to protest the pointing of the finger from government at their business. Along with the publicity of many newspaper and news cast posted throughout this news created an era of chaos and uncertainness for America. When the witch hunts finally ceased it took a great deal of time to move past these accusations. But move forward they did and life eventually regained control and moves along with much success. References National Archives and Record Administration. (n. d. ). Marshall Plan. Retrieved from http://www. archives. gov/exhibits/featured_documents/marshall_plan/ New World Encyclopedia. (n. d. ). McCarthyism. Retrieved from http://National Archievs and Record Administration. (n. d. ). Marshall Plan. Retrieved from http://www. archives. gov/exhibits/featured_documents/marshall_plan

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Rhinoceros Beetles, Subfamily Dynastinae

Rhinoceros Beetles, Subfamily Dynastinae Members of the beetle subfamily Dynastinae include some impressive-looking beetles with impressive-sounding names: rhinoceros beetles, elephant beetles, and Hercules beetles. The group includes some of the largest extant insects on Earth, many with impressive horns. For purposes of this article, we will use the term rhinoceros beetles to represent all members of this subfamily. Description: Rhinoceros beetles and other members of the subfamily Dynastinae are usually convex and rounded in shape (similar to lady beetles in shape, but much larger). The species that inhabit North America aren’t as large as those found in other parts of the world, but our eastern Hercules beetles (Dynastes tityus) reach a still-impressive 2.5 inches long. Identification of this subfamily requires some knowledge of beetle morphology and its associated terminology. In rhinoceros beetles, the labrum (upper lip) is hidden beneath a rounded, shield-like structure called the clypeus. Rhinoceros beetle antennae consist of 9-10 segments, usually with the last 3 segments forming a small club. For additional identifying traits of this subfamily, please refer to the details provided on the Generic Guide to the New World Scarab Beetles website. Classification: Kingdom – AnimaliaPhylum – ArthropodaClass – InsectaOrder – ColeopteraFamily - ScarabaeidaeSubfamily - Dynastinae Diet: Rhinoceros beetles and other members of the subfamily Dynastinae generally feed on decomposing vegetation (rotting wood, leaf litter, etc.) as larvae. Many adults feed on decaying plant roots underground, although some species also appear to feed on sap and fermenting fruit. Life Cycle: Like all beetles, rhinoceros beetles undergo complete metamorphosis with four life stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Some species are relatively long-lived as insects go, and may take up to two years to reach maturity. Special Adaptations and Defenses: Male rhinoceros beetles often bear large horns, either on the head or the pronotum, which they use to joust with other males in battles over territory. Remarkably, recent research showed these enormous and bulky horns don’t impede the male rhinoceros beetle’s ability to fly. Range and Distribution: Rhinoceros beetles and their kin live throughout the world, with the exception of the polar regions, and are most diverse in the tropics. Scientists have described about 1,500 species to date and subdivided these into eight tribes within the subfamily Dynastinae. Sources: Borror and DeLong’s Introduction to the Study of Insects, 7th edition, by Charles A. Triplehorn and Norman F. Johnson.Subfamily Dynastinae - Rhinoceros Beetles, BugGuide.Net. Accessed July 20, 2013.Kaufman Field Guide to Insects of North America, by Eric R. Eaton and Kenn Kaufman.Dynastinae, Generic Guide to New World Scarab Beetles, University of Nebraska State Museum. Accessed July 20, 2013.Volume 1: Morphology and Systematics (Archostemata, Adephaga, Myxophaga, Polyphaga partim), by Rolf G. Beutel and Richard Leschen. Accessed via Google Books on July 20, 2013.Elaborate horns in a giant rhinoceros beetle incur negligible aerodynamic costs, Erin L. McCullough and Bret W. Tobalske, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. Accessed online July 20, 2013.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Societys Influence on Education Essays

Societys Influence on Education Essays Societys Influence on Education Paper Societys Influence on Education Paper Essay Topic: Education The piece is very appealing and convincing to the readers because the words used were simple and clear, the construction of thoughts and Ideas were organized which made It easy to understand, relate and connect to real life situation. It clearly defined what a society Is and how It greatly affects education. Ideas were mostly based on factual, experiences, and observations. Somehow, It overlooked some examples that would expound and elaborate further pollens and Ideas. Citing examples Is an effective way to help readers apprehend its intention and realize how great and influential are personal experiences in a study. Even without extensive research, the author could still make up this article because conceptions of ideas derived directly from our prior knowledge and experiences. For these reasons, it made the readers to react and interact from the article they read. The author shows neutrality about the topic and presents a balanced view about society and education though it overemphasized on how society influences education which is the focus of this piece. This is how complicate to criticize this kind of piece sometimes because both entities are equally Important, Influences and Is dependent to the existence of each other. Ill REACTION Basically, Interaction between the article and the reader or (Interaction between the author and the reader) is evident enough that the piece itself was quite interesting. Interesting in the sense that it touches our lives may it directly or indirectly like how we socialize within a group and how we learn from it. After reading, I realized that we play a vital role in society and education. There can be no found society without the interaction of people within it. Meaning, we are the foundation of society and the beginning of educational institution. If society and education are inseparable entities, we are therefore the center of learning process and can never be departed from both. I agree that learning doesnt exist merely inside the four corners of the lassoer but more on the external forces, our environment. What we do, we see and we hear, we learn from It. We are the drive force of our own lives and create values. In creating and upholding our values, there always come societal factors such as customs, traditions and laws which affect of what we are becoming. Like for Instance, In leaning Witt a group you need to consoler Uninominal Territories In order to understand and adjust to the environment. This is because we need to belong in a group, able to interact and learn afterwards. Belongingness and acceptance in a rope or society is as important as society to education. We need to feel that we belonged and accepted in order to continue learning and imparting knowledge to others. Obviously, the people are the institution where learning and education began. In my own point of view, the author intended to confuse the readers whether his piece is one-sided or balanced for us to evaluate critically and comprehensively until we would come up to a conclusion that would support and strengthen our analysis regarding the issue. For me, it is well-balanced because the author never eaves out the concept of education only that he overemphasized how society influences on education. This has not been biased in a reason that the author focused on the subject matter itself to make realization and Justification of the topic. The author even stressed out that Society and education are tightly bound entities and hence cannot be separated from each other. From this statement we can say that there is fairness and equity as to role, importance and impacts of society and education to each other. The difference only is that society has been overemphasized since it is the focus of the issue.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The current leadership and memebership composition of the Chinese Essay

The current leadership and memebership composition of the Chinese Communist Party reflects the evolution of the Chinese state and society since 1949. comment - Essay Example The CCP and its cadres â€Å"are changing in ways that make creative solutions to political governance problems feasible than a repeated violent reaction to social change, as in 1989† (Smith, 2003). While progress and reform is on the party agenda, its leadership still retains useful traditions and customs. A case in point is the utilization of nomenklatura system for selecting party leaders. Its critics will point to its shortcomings, including its inability to curb corruption within the party ranks. But the nomenklatura system was not devised to deter corruption. Also, the cadre responsibility system was meant to act as an analytical tool for zeroing in on the primary goals of the party and assessing the success of various policy initiatives; and it has proved equal to this stated objective. The history of China over the last sixty years has not been without moments of indiscretion and impasse. When in September of 1949, the communist revolution was complete and the CCP ascended to power, the people of China were relieved and also hopeful; Relieved of closing a conflict-ridden chapter of their recent history and hopeful of a brighter future. It can safely be said that their hopes were fulfilled to a large extent. The CCP has to be credited for bringing about a degree of economic and political stability in the first decade of their reign. The subsequent years will prove to be more challenging for the CCP leadership, which had to deal with famine caused by its Great Leap Forward program. From these early days, when the party and its members were still learning the ropes of governance it has now become a sophisticated and well coordinated political machine. The party building efforts in modern urban settlements (also called ‘shequ’) is an innovative move. Furt her, â€Å"Such local experiments in limited political reform are creating a mixed regime based on one-party rule, Mandarin traditions, and intra-party

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Service-dominant logic and customer satisfaction Term Paper

Service-dominant logic and customer satisfaction - Term Paper Example On the other hand, creation of value actualization is a vital role taken by the customers, and this may require contacting suppliers through their own individual ways. Nevertheless, numerous dimensions can be applied to approach through which new logic and value; in fact, there are critical issues rose relating to services-dominant (Achrol & Kotler, 2006, 320). Client expectations concerning value and satisfaction are based on three-concept quality with core factors for differentiating them. However, the disparities among these concepts are vague and overlapping (Bebko, 2000, 26). Expectations held by customers regard the quality of services and products encountered, which is similar to the expectations held about the entire firm, which offered the service. Moreover, there are situations that regard the expectations of individual services experienced by customers. This increase chances for them to be specific and concrete; for instance, time consumed while waiting for a receptionist, which is more of to their expectations than the entire quality of the services offered by the company. 1. Analyse and respond to the explicit expectations and implicit expectations of core clients at the start of the project front-end. Client’s expectations refer to the beliefs concerning delivery of services, which considered the standards and reference point for evaluating the performance. Customers are fond of making comparison of their perceptions concerning performance of the firms, which is evaluated through references of the point’s evaluation such as the level of quality, knowledge and their expectations (Gummesson, 2006, 239). In fact, identification of clients’ expectations is vital to the marketers and the entire company due to their critical aspect of seeking to deliver good quality service to them. On the other hand, lack of understanding of the customer services can result to a loss of customer’s business, while the competitors are gaining market share (Porter, 1985, 30). Explicit expectations of the core clients at the start of the project are based on the promises made through personal and non-personal statements concerning the services made by the company to the customer (Graf & Maas, 2008, 20). In this case, personal statements require communication through salespeople, services, or repair personnel. However, this promises become non-personal in situation when they are acquired through advertisements, brochures and other publications (Hubbert, Sehorn & Brown, 1995, 21). Therefore, logic is established through promises made concerning the exact quality of services that will be delivered in a way that manages client expectations. In this case, this guarantees that the promises made will meet the expectation of the client concerning a certain service. There are company representative, who are over-promising due to lack of knowledge regarding the necessary promise that can be made. However, confusion is caused by fail ing to consider that services are customized; thus, this lead to lack of ease in definition and repetition. In other instances, company representatives lack the knowledge concerning the nature of the final form of the service that will be delivered. Explicit services have a substantial influence on customers’ expectations based on the desires of the services and their speculations. In fact, this is due to the way these services alter customer’s desires in general based on their prediction concerning the experience